We hope you are enjoying our updated website many an hour was spent on our beautiful new branding, along with the website upgrade we thought it was time to let some light in on the amazing world of Perry and our little company that keeps going from strength to strength.
We hope you like our new blog and find the food matching, recipes and other Perry related chats informative and enjoyable to read.
Paracombe Premium Perry was started one year ago when fourth generation pear orchardist Damian McArdle thought it was time to put some of his orchards high quality fruit to a more varied use whilst the pears were great to eat why not make something to drink as well. The experimentation began, plans were made and now one year after the first release Paracombe Premium has become the finest Perry producer in South Australia.
The first rule in all of our production is always respect the fruit. Many so called ‘Pear Cider’ or Perry producers in Australia are forgetting that exact rule, brewed sugar water with 30% + – fruit concentrate is not anything close to respect. All of our Perrys are 100% pear, grown on our orchid and pressed in our basket press on our premises. Our quality starts at the tree and ends in the bottle we do it all. ALWAYS RESPECT THE FRUIT!
Shown above is a limited release product in the range, 84 is a Dry style Perry made from 5 different pears grown in our orchard. There are only 40 cartons produced at the start of our producing season so get in early or risk having to wait another year to get some. We must suggest pouring yourself a long glass of 84 on ice. Then serve with a room temperature double or triple brie. Not a bad way to spend a weekend afternoon. The creaminess of the brie is a fantastic offset for the dry well balanced 84. Check our online store for availability and get your order in whilst you can.
Till next time drink up!