Mussels with Red Onion, Perry & Crème Fraîche


Total Time:  25mins (Prep: 10mins, Cook: 15mins)Mussels with Red Onion, Perry & Crème Fraîche
Serves:  2


1kg rope-grown mussels
25g unsalted butter
2 small red onions, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, chopped
150ml Paracombe Premium Perry ‘The Triumph’
2 tsp finely chopped sage
150ml half-fat crème fraîche



  1. Prepare the mussels.  Scrub them to remove any barnacles and pull away the beard, then discard any that are damaged or won’t close when tapped.
  2. Melt the butter in a large pan and cook the onions for 3-4 mins, then add the garlic.  Pour the Perry over and sprinkle in the sage, then bring to the boil. Turn the heat down to a simmer and cook until reduced by half.
  3. Add the mussels, cover and cook over a medium heat (shaking the pan occasionally) for 3-4 mins until they have opened.  Lift the mussels into a bowl and keep warm.
  4. Bubble the cooking liquid in the pan for 2 mins, then carefully blend in the crème fraîche. Heat through and pour over the mussels to serve.


Recipe adapted from Good Food magazine, February 2011