Garden Mule Cocktail


Total Time:   7 minsgarden-moscow-mule-Slide1
Serves:   1



  • 4 slices cucumber
  • 16 blueberries
  • 6 mint leaves, plus a sprig for garnish
  • 60mls vodka
  • 30mls lime juice
  • ½ cup ginger beer – we recommend ‘Root.E.D.’ by Paracombe premium
  • Perry
  • 1 piece candied ginger



  1. Put the cucumber, 8 blueberries and mint leaves in the bottom of a cocktail shaker.  Muddle until crushed and juicy.  Add a handful of ice, vodka and lime.  Cover shaker and shake for about 15 seconds, until the shaker develops a nice coat of condensation on the outside.
  2. Fill a Moscow mule mug with ice.  Strain the liquid from the shaker into the mug.  Top with ginger beer and 4 blueberries.  Thread 4 more blueberries and a piece of candied ginger onto a toothpick. Garnish with a sprig of mint and the toothpick of berries and ginger.


Recipe adapted from Something New for Dinner